In August, I was approached by the director of our women’s ministry at my local church and informed that the women’s ministry was looking to expand it’s teaching team.
“Your name came up several times among the elders. We would love to have you teach the ladies this year!” she said.
Of course, I was absolutely honored by that statement and invitation to teach the ladies of our church for this ministry year- the theme coincides with the very same theme for the whole church: “People of the Book.”
Instead of going through a book of the Bible like we have over the last couple of years, each meeting will have a specific topic that unpacks different aspects about the Bible and how to study God’s Word. The ladies of our church gather once a month on a Friday night for a time of fellowship, food, worship, and teaching and table discussions; My teaching was scheduled for October, which focused on the canon of scripture.
I have spent the last couple of months deep in research and reading as many articles and books as I could get my hands on regarding the topic of the canon of scripture and its attributes. I also spent over 12 hours writing and compiling my message and slideshow. The whole experience was a beautiful labor of love for me- love for the Lord and His Word and love for my sisters in Christ.
Last night was truly such a special moment for me as I had the joy and privilege of bringing finally bringing my teaching entitled By What Standard? The Canon of Scripture and the Whole Counsel of God to a room full of sweet sisters in Christ. I just wanted to stop and thank the Lord for His faithfulness to me.
I have stood in the role of teacher in a context similar to this one before, but it was many years ago when I was walking in deception and sadly, I had an extremely poor understanding of sound theology, church history, and Biblical hermeneutics.
By God’s grace, last night was the very first time I stood before sisters in Christ and taught from a solid foundation that was built upon years of being a diligent Berean and student of God’s word after being freed from deception and unBiblical theology and practices.
It was truly overwhelming and humbling in the best way! I am so grateful that the Lord has given me these abilities and opportunities to serve the Body of Christ like this, and I pray I always approach it with reverence, thankfulness, and humility.
I also pray that the sheep were edified and the King was glorified in every word spoken! 🙏🏻
Soli Deo Gloria 🙌🏼

Perfect gift from my sisters in Christ from the women’s ministry at The Grove!