One morning as I was walking our dog, Samson, tears suddenly started flowing, and I just began to talk to God. It
“You Put My Tears in Your Bottle”: Drawing Close to the God Who Sees Our Pain
I laid on the cold, sterile exam table feeling uneasy from the moment I parked my car. I thought to myself, “Paul and
What God Has Taught Me Through the Seasons Where I Felt Stuck
“Hi, my name is Emily, and I am recovering from an addiction to do-ing.” It took me many years to finally admit
Beauty in Its Time
I have lived in the Midwest of the United States my entire life. We experience all four seasons, but it usually goes
Created to Worship
Did you know that everyone was created to worship? Yes, even those who would not consider themselves religious worship something or someone.
A Prayer for Stress
I struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for many years in high school and college, even as a believer. Stress and worry
Hope in the Lord and Receive His Strength!
While browsing home décor the other day, I found words of encouragement galore. Signs with words such as “Peace” and “Joy” and
Count it all joy!
2016 was a hard year for me and my family. While juggling with babysitting a friend’s son who was a full-on ‘threenager,’
Consumed with YourSelfie
With the overwhelming flood of social media sites and phone apps filling every millisecond of our lives, it is blatantly clear how self-centered
The Pitfalls of Comparison
A few weeks ago, I was in prayer and was having a difficult time letting some thoughts go regarding the direction of