Emily has always been passionate about telling stories. Whether through poetry, short stories, screen-writing (hello, 6th grade’s A Cheerleader’s Nightmare ?), songs, dance, blogging or theatre, as soon as she was able to talk and walk, she found herself using the talents God gave her to creatively express herself. Although there was a time she did those things as a means of (pridefully) coping with some heaviness and disappointment in her life to try to bring validation to even her own worth, God humbled her and brought much healing to her heart, and gave her a desire to use those talents to glorify Him alone and point others to Jesus Christ and His truth.
Through all of her ministry endeavors, Emily wants to encourage others, especially women, to dig into the Bible and search out the scriptures as Bereans. By keeping God’s Word at the center, she longs to share her own joyful and painful stories to help others not feel alone on the journey.
Emily is the author of Yielded in His Hands: Becoming a Vessel for God’s Glory (eLectio Publishing, currently under revision) and has been a freelance writer for various websites and publications since 2015. Her work has been featured in print in LifeWay’s Journey Magazine and Shattered Magazine. She is also a regular contributing writer for iBelieve.com and Crosswalk.com. She thoroughly enjoys being a stay-at-home/work-from-home/home-schooling (running on a lot of grace and coffee ?) momma to her three precious sons, all while being able to pursue her passion as a writer.
Emily and her husband Paul also have a blog and online ministry called We Would Rather Have Jesus, where they minister to those who have been deceived by false teaching (much like they were), specifically those caught in the Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel/Hyper-Charismatic/NAR movements. You can connect with them on their blog, Facebook, or Instagram.
To learn more about Emily’s journey of faith in God, click here.