Where are my Titus 2 ladies at?

Titus 2, bible study, women, ministry, discipleship, bible, together, friends

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children,to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled”

(Titus 2:3-5, ESV).

I am the only born-again Christian in my immediate family. Although we did have a Bible in our home, it was more of a centerpiece on the coffee table; It was occasionally wiped down when dust collected on it; it wasn’t ever opened or read, obviously. I don’t have memories of my family praying before meals or hearing about Jesus from any of my relatives or grandparents. Sadly, I didn’t have a “praying grandma” who lead me in the faith. 

So, when I became a follower of Christ at age 22, the road was definitely a lonely one for me. I felt very misunderstood and different from the rest of my family members for a very long time, and still do to be quite frank. I’m so thankful for the Christians friends the Lord placed in my life who encouraged me and prayed for me on my journey with Christ, but I have always longed for someone older in the faith to mentor me and this still seems to be the case in my life, sadly.

I read Titus 2 with a longing in my heart, wondering if I could ever have a mentor relationship with a woman like this:

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children,to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled”

(Titus 2:3-5, ESV).

You can hit Google, YouTube, and social media for older women in the faith, of course, but I want to move beyond online connections and would love a one-on-one personal mentor that I can enjoy conversation about Jesus and the Bible over coffee. It seems that our generation is settling for online connections (which are wonderful too) but there is more to be found in doing life together. Where are the Titus 2 women, I find myself asking.

Since it is something that should be found in the context of the local church, and we are once again new members at our current church because we recently moved to a new state. Instead of being tempted to complain about this lack in my life, I am reminded that I must go to God in prayer, especially when it seems so out of reach for me to find a mentor who can come alongside of me and teach me to love my husband and children and love Jesus and His Word even more. 

We are living in a very isolated time all over the world. So many of us are lonely and looking for connection. We were created to be in relationship with one another, especially in the Body of Christ. The “metaverse” will never replace the real-life universe where we are there for one another to bear one another’s burdens, pray for each other, and spur each other on in the faith, face-to-face.

The call for women in Titus 2 is one that is important within the church and one that our society desperately needs. We need godly women strong in the faith to raise strong, godly children with strong, godly marriages. Families like this could change the world for Christ! 

Do you find yourself longing for a mentor who has walked with Jesus for a long time, maybe decades longer than yourself? Does it seem impossible to meet someone like this? Well, let me remind you that nothing is impossible for God! The Father knows the desires of our heart, especially desires that line up with His Word, and He wants those desires to become reality for you. Instead of growing discouraged and tempted to complain, let us run to the Father and pray that we would see this relationship of a mentor fulfilled in our life, not just for us but to ultimately, give Him glory and see the Gospel advanced.

Father God,

I am finding myself lonely on my walk with Christ. I look for others to encourage, evangelize, and disciple who may be younger in the faith, but I long for a mentor who can come alongside me and teach me more about You and how to be a godly woman, one who loves her husband and children so deeply. It may feel impossible to find, but I trust that nothing is impossible for You, God. Thank You for hearing my prayer and I believe I will see this desire of my heart fulfilled because it is something that you call women to do for each other. I pray You would raise up women who reflect those found in Titus 2 all for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

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12 thoughts on “Where are my Titus 2 ladies at?

  1. As an older woman, who has been following Christ since her mid 20’s, I still feel I’m growing everyday in His word. I have lost count of how much He has taught me in my journey with Him. I’ve had a few older women through my journey that have taught me along the way. I haven’t had one person in particular. I will pray for God to bless you with a Titus 2 woman that can help you to continue growing in His word.

    Many blessing,

  2. Wow!!! I just found your blog and this really spoke to my heart! I have often felt this way as I have shared with my husband the VERY same feelings of needing that Titus 2 woman to come alongside of me.
    Thank you for sharing your heart and prayer, as well as encouragement.
    May you be blessed.my sister in Christ!!!
    And, may the Lord bring that Titus 2 woman into your life!!! ?

  3. Hello my dear!
    My name is Annette Melville and I’m just like you reaching out in prayer! Hoping that someone would mentor me too! I belong to a Baptist church, I live in Guyana and my sisters in Christ have been all caring to me!
    It caught my attention when you asked for Titus 2 women!
    I would be so happy if we could reach out and keep in touch with each other
    I look forward to hearing from you!
    Yours in Titus,


    1. Hi Annette! The Lord has been doing much in my life since writing this piece, as I am continually connecting with more ladies in my church.

      I am blessed to know that my writing is an encouragement to others. I hope you have a great week!

      In Christ,

  4. I’m glad that I ran across this article where are my Titus 2 women at. I pray that I may find that Titus 2 women to connect to and be by my side with my walk with God and my God continue to bless you and your ministry. Please pray for me to be a Titus 2 woman for others that I may have an encounter with.

  5. Thank you Lord for using Emily Rose in answering my prayer. Our need is out, on the table. Even us older ones have much to learn from another alongside us. The gift of sharing without shoving. Quietly caring enough even just one to one will surely multiply joy of fellowship and please You. Now I look forward to seeing how and who You will use to get it done. Hallelujah!

  6. Hi Emily
    I pray this finds you well and connecting face to face with a “seasoned” Titus 2 gal!
    I was very blessed in my childhood bc I had THAT grandma! She was the epitome of a true Titus 2 woman. Never saw her in a pair of pants.. it was always a dress.. We prayed for EVERYTHING. For my family and many other children’s families, for meals, for blessings , for thanks to him, for pain and suffering to ease and broken hearts to be mended. My grandma I wholeheartedly believe sits in heaven right beside Jesus and God because that would be the only befitting place for her.
    But didi take advantage of being that fortunate? Of course not. More so as a small girl but then high school hit and all that special time of love and learning from a truly beautiful person was snagged from me my senior year. She went to heaven. Just that quick. On my lunch break one day. I never got to tell her how much I loved her or admired her or how much I learned from her again..
    I still think back to her often. She went to see Grampa and Jesus in 1983. Now I am finally getting it. I’m trying to follow Jesus and learn from him every day. But I’m sure I fail him miserably every day but just like grandma he still loves me and expects me to get up and keep doing the do every morning! I’m old enough to be a Titus 2 woman but new enough to no where near qualify. I too need a true Titus 2 woman but even if I never get another there could never be one better than the one I had thanks to Dear Jesus and his beautiful grace and love.
    Take care and good luck on your search!

  7. Thank you Emily for sharing this wonderful message. I desire to have a Titus 2 woman in my life. I am not married but desire to be but I would love to have someone in my life that I can connect with to help me walk out a single life as a Christian woman. It isn’t easy and has been tough to do. It wasn’t by accident I came across your blog this morning but on purpose. God bless you and your family.

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